Sexual Harassment Policy

No Problems Publishing Inc, 

Australian Institute of Tibetan Healing Practices Inc. and

Tibetan Buddhist Healing Practices Inc. – Sexual Harassment Policy

Last updated: October 2020

(How do NPP, AITHP and TBHP plan to prevent and respond to sexual harassment incidents?)


No Problems Publishing Inc (NPP), Australian Institute of Tibetan Healing Practices Inc (AITHP) and Tibetan Healing Practices Inc (TBHP) are committed to ensuring that the Centres’ educational environment, face-to-face and online, is free from sexual harassment. As an educational facility requiring a safe environment for learning, all sexual behaviour, including seeking consensual relationships is actively discouraged between students and within the Centres. Sexual behaviour is not tolerated under any circumstances, and swift disciplinary action will be taken against anyone who breaches this policy.


  • Create a safe environment for all students to learn about themselves, therefore social contact between students outside the Centres, as well as interaction involving any romantic or sexual overtones, innuendos or potential advances, is not permitted.
  • Communicate appropriate guidelines of personal conduct for all students, which include that issues relating to sexual harassment or privacy will be referred to the Centres’ Committee.
  • Encourage the reporting of behaviour which may breach this policy.
  • Treat all complaints or concerns in a sensitive, fair, timely and confidential manner.
  • Limit any physical contact between students due to many people having illnesses or injuries, with the exception of qualified therapeutic yoga or massage practitioners, with the permission of the Committee.
  • Update and communicate the policy regularly. NPP, AITHP & TBHP are on a path of continual improvement to ensure that the environment is a safe place to learn, so that we can be brave in facing our own feelings.


Sexual harassment is unwanted, unwelcome or uninvited behaviour of a sexual nature which makes a person feel humiliated, intimidated or offended.

Any unwelcome or unwanted instances of the items below may be considered to be sexual harassment:

  • Repeated invitations to go out after prior refusal (though any invitation to go out is a breach of this policy and as such, would be addressed in accordance with this policy).
  • Persistent questions, insinuations, innuendo about a person’s privacy.
  • Physical contact of a sexual nature such as touching, kissing, caressing.
  • Sexually explicit conversation.
  • Staring or leering; stalking; flirting.
  • Offensive emails, text messages, print material.
  • Exposing genitals or sexual gestures.

What sexual harassment is not

  • Any action which is welcome, reciprocated and consensual is not sexual harassment, however any romantic activity within the Centres is not permitted.
  • Therapeutic massage or yoga used for healing purposes sanctioned by the Committee in individual situations.
  • The Dharma teacher, with the permission of the student, may have limited physical contact which is based on comforting someone who is upset once they have established a trusted student-teacher relationship.


Sexual harassment can be considered to occur within the context of the Centres when there are classes or events (online or face-to-face), retreats (online or face-to-face), external events, social occasions, volunteering at Ngal Sol Retreat and Training Centre, markets, garage sales, etc.

It is important to note that sexual harassment between students is also unlawful in casual or incidental communication or activities outside of formal Centre hours and events.

Complaints process

Because NPP, AITHP & TBHP is providing an environment which is safe for people to learn about themselves, ALL incidents and issues relating to sexual harassment will be referred to the Centres’ Committee to ensure that no problems persist. Should any incidents have potential legal implications, the matter will be documented and referred to the appropriate authority.

Who to contact

If you experience any form of sexual harassment, please report it to the Committee by email to, or bring it to the attention of a Dharma or Yoga Teacher, Sangha or Committee Member in person. All information will be kept confidential and in line with our privacy policy.